My name is Paul Hughes and I’d like to give a little background on my nutritional and professional experience. I owned and operated a chain of the top-performing GNC nutrition stores in the country for over 25 years. I have done competitive bodybuilding in the N.P.C. and also promoted local bodybuilding, figure and fitness shows in the Northwest. I have counseled with and trained a myriad of customers who have ultimately turned pro in the I.F.B.B. as bodybuilders, figure, and fitness athletes. As a GNC owner from Spokane, Washington. I have personally worked with many athletes on diets, sports nutrition, and strength training programs from Gonzaga University, Washington State University, Eastern Washington, and more, of which several have gone on to play professionally in the NBA, MLB, NHL, NFL, including professional fighters now in the UFC.

In addition to my career operating my GNC stores, I maintained current education in the sports nutrition industry with accredited programs through the University of Florida. Over the years, I have forged many relationships with supplement company owners and the actual manufactures of the raw materials that produce nutritional supplements for many national brand names, including products for GNC worldwide. I currently contract directly with these supplement producers who now manufacture my No Limits Nutrition “Optimized” pre-workout formula. All of our ingredients comply with GMP (good manufacturing process), and are produced in labs that meet or exceed FDA drug manufacturing standards. Each product is tested guaranteeing potency, purity, and freshness dating. Essentially what’s on the label is in the bottle.